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Food For Thought Thursday

Did you know Thursday originates from 'Thor', who is the 'god' of Thunder. In Latin, Thursday translates as Jupiter's Day. We use the term 'god of Thunder' very loosely because we believe there is one true God, God himself. Speaking of which, The Last Supper, known as Maundy Thursday, happens on a Thursday as well. This is one of the most important days in the Catholic faith, also known as Holy Thursday. If you are unfamiliar with this, this is the last meal Jesus has with his disciples before he is taken in by the Romans to be crucified. So, this is an extremely important day to say the least. In the religions Judaism and Islam, Thursday is a day of fasting.

Why do you think that Thursday is a day that is associated with food, either sharing it with close friends, or fasting from it entirely? This isn't a rhetorical question, but more asking because we don't know the significance of this in the grand scheme of things. Is it something completely random or something intentional put into motion by the Creator of the Universe?

Just some food for thought on this Thoughtful Thursday...pun intended.

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