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Lucky Numbers 3 and 7

Happy Sunday! If you are anything like us, we really pay attention to numbers. They exist in a way for us to make sense of time, monetary value, dates on a calendar, maybe an astrological sign, and more. So, in essence, they aren't arbitrary. They are meaningful and purposeful, worthy of taking notice.

With that said, today is March 7th, 3/7.

Lucky number 3: All good things come in 3's as we've mentioned in a previous post this week, so in an effort to not belabor the point, please reference Wednesday's blog post. We've also been a fan of this number, and maybe you are, too.

Number 7: There are seven days in a week; when you get Three 7's at the casino (comibining 3 and 7), it's a big jackpot; our Founder/CEO was born on the 7th. We're sure you can find more patterns and occasions where the Number 7 has significance or relevance in your life.

Interesting things to think about, right? We hope this spawns a conversation with loved ones about numbers, because, at the end of the day, they are very much all around us and used in everyday life...

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