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Mainly Minute Moments

Middle of the week: Past the beginning part, but not at the weekend yet. Just like in every story, song, and life, there is a definitive beginning, middle, and end. In the beginning, we are setting the stage, figuring things out, and getting our feet wet. At the end, things come to a stop, maybe there is an unexpected twist, we say goodbye, and seek closure.

It's in the middle where the 'meat and potatoes', the excitement, the real adventure and journey happens. This is where the major part of every story, song, and life takes place. For a story, this is where all the characters have been developed and are interacting with each other in interesting ways. For a song, this is where the chorus hits us, and the song continues building from there to the 2nd half of it. For a life, this is where we work, have a family, go on vacations, and maneveur all the crazy and wonderful things about adulthood and parenthood.

Why are we bringing this up? Because like a week, sometimes a story, song, and life seems to go faster than we want it to. This is a little reminder mid-week that we owe it to ourselves to take our time telling a tale, writing a composition, and pursuing dreams, hobbies, and passions. If we don't take our time or even have the awareness of any of these, then we might miss out on the great parts of the journey. It's a cliche saying, but it's not about the destination, it's about the journey. Or, in other words, the journey is the desintation. Let us not forget to slow things down in order to truly appreciate what we have (people, relationships, experiences, and things) before it disappears.

Do we want to get to the weekend? Of course, but don't rush it. Please don't rush it. Life is mainly made up of many minute moments and a few celebratory monumental ones. If all we are doing is living for the celebratory ones, then we run the risk of missing out on so many small ones...and this is where the great stuff of life is.

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