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6 Udemy Courses Available!

Good Morning! If you haven't had a chance to check out our now 6 course 'educational meal', if you will, over on Udemy, feel free to do so. We've created these courses with the hopes of inspiring you to become a better version of yourself, both as a human being and as a musician. Focusing mostly on beginner music level concepts such as singing, signing, rhythm-keeping, and basic music education (instruments), we are excited to share them with you.

For the next 5 days, all of our courses are 50% off. To take advantage of this sweet deal, use the code MISTERJIMAPRIL for all 6 below:

Beginner to Intermediate Vocal Techniques

Sign Language Through Songs

Basic Sign Language (Numbers, Letters, and Colors)

How to Properly Hold and Use Percussion Instruments

Life Skills, Manners, and Musical Instruments Through Songs

Transitioning Between Rhythms and Tempos

Enjoy and happy learning!

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