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Tax Day!

Have you squared up with Uncle Sam this year yet? If not, do not fret. Most of us don't have to do so until May 17th as 'Tax Day' was moved back until then. However, April 15th is usually the day we have to pay our taxes. It's interesting to learn more about where this day originated from, and to do so, feel free to check out: TAX DAY

In many respects, it is an arbitrary day since it can be moved due to a conflict with a recognized holiday such as Patriot's Day, or due to a global disaster such as COVID-19. We already paid our company taxes well in advance, so much so, that we received a discount for doing so through TurboTax.

At any rate, be sure to double check if you are required to still pay your taxes for 2020 today, or if you can defer paying until May 17th. Here's where you can learn more about that: MAY 17th DEADLINE

So, without adding any more links or thoughts to this topic, have a Happy Tax Day! Yes, it can be happy. Knowing you don't have to worry about taxes for another whole year because it's behind you can be reassuring and a breath of fresh air. And, in some cases, you won't have to actually pay a tax, but rather receive a refund.

All good things. All good things!

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